CAVA ROBOTICS INTERNATIONAL is a multinational company servicing the US, North America, and Europe.
"Excellent...very in depth...I wouldn't
see us doing it any other way."
"Working with CAVA has been fabulous for Catholic Health."
"[CAVA] gave us an understanding...with a detailed analysis of the robotic program."
"It really helped to bring [CAVA] in from the outside with a different perspective and with a broad experience."
“CAVA understands cross-platform data analytics and robotic program development. Their team’s dedication and focus helped overcome challenging issues in the buildup of a powerful robotic / MIS program whose infrastructure is ready for the changing healthcare environment and for next generation technologies.”
-- Michael Beneke, MD, FACS, Robotic Surgeon, Chief of Surgery,
Sutter Medical Center Sacramento
"Working with CAVA was a game changer. Their team has expertise in clinical robotics, medical finance, and health care administration. When we started working with them, we had robots, but no program. CAVA help us address challenges on both the clinic and business side and now we have a successful multi-disciplinary robotics program. I can't say enough about their team."
– Matthew W. Guile, MD, MS
Robotic Surgeon, OB/GYN,
Sutter Medical Center, CA
"Starting a robotic program was a strategic initiative at our hospital...the economic feasibility study and support we received from CAVA was a huge positive – we couldn't have done it without their help as we moved forward... We did more than 200 cases in our first 12 months."
– Jim Flickema,
VP of business Development,
Otsego Memorial Hospital, MI
"The CAVA Robotics team immediately impressed me with their knowledge, experience, and incredible insight. CAVA is an indispensable asset for any robotic program that wants to succeed."
– Richard Bergman,
COO, St. Mary's Hospital, MO
"One of the things CAVA brought to us at UNC was the ability to look at what we were doing. We thought we were plugging along, but it was a delusion. What CAVA was able to show us was what reality was... And not only reality, but a pathway to get to the level we needed to be at. This is an important part of making a program an outstanding program. "
– Richard Feins, MD,
Medical Director of Perioperative Services (ret.),
UNC Healthcare, NC
"In our collaboration with CAVA, we learned a lot…
the direction from CAVA has served us well!"
– Walt Noble MD, FACS,
Chief Surgical Services,
Munson Medical Center, Traverse City, MI
Based on hundreds of thousands of comparative surgical cases, CAVA benchmarks all of our client hospitals’ fiscal and clinical performance on a continuum of maturity, aligned with CAVA’s 21 dimensions of performance for virtually every robotic procedure.
CAVA Robotics’ US HIPAA- and EU GDPR-compliant data and IT management efficiently assists our clients with the extraction and synthesis of their facility’s performance data. CAVA works with Epic, Cerner, Allscripts, EPSI, McKesson, SurgiNet, and many other leading EMRs, as well as supply chain, cost accounting, and non-integrated data applications. Our IT team is expert in Azure, a scalable, highly available cloud-based environment managed by Microsoft. CAVA functons within a comprehensive data privacy and security environment which can also deliver powerful API reporting.
145 University Drive Suite 2660 Amherst, MA 01004 USA
+1 (413) 359-1000
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