Experience the CAVA Effect


Your Robotic Program to Best Practice

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our NORTH AMERICAN clients

Trusted by Hospital Systems in the US and Canada

Fewer than 1 in 20 hospitals are in the 90th Percentile of Robotic Program Performance

Not in the top quartile? Your robotic contribution margin can be significantly improved.

Audited Performance Data Needs to Drive Your Program’s Management

Discover the CAVAlytics® data advantage and set your hospital’s robotic program apart.

Official Robotic Optimization Provider of

Customized, Best Practice Robotic Programs

CAVA Robotics International’s team of robotic surgeons and data scientists have worked with hundreds of hospitals in the United States, Canada and Europe to help them achieve Best Practice status.

Let's Talk

Don't Take Our Word For It

Hear What Our Hospitals Say

"Really a Godsend"

"Excellent...very in depth...I wouldn't see us doing it any other way."


"Working with CAVA has been fabulous for Catholic Health."

"Very Insightful"

"[CAVA] gave us an understanding...with a detailed analysis of the robotic program."

"Really Raised The Bar"

"Working with CAVA has been so valuable for UNC Healthcare. We learned how much better we could become."


Some leading CAVA clients

CAVA is Peer-Review Validated.

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